Reflections of Love

by Maryanne Keeling
Reflections of Love
Maryanne Keeling
Mixed Media - Fine Art Prints, Canvas, And Metal Offered
I painted this lovely scene from Magnolia Gardens, South Carolina. The bridge offers a perfect reflection in the dark cypress waters that dominate this beautiful plantation garden. The cypress trees and Spanish moss create a stunning canopy over this endearing scene.
©Copyright 2023 Maryanne L Keeling. All Rights Reserved. This artwork is copyrighted to Maryanne Langford Keeling and, as such, is protected by US and International Copyright laws. Image may not be copied or reproduced for any reason without the express written permission of the artist.
June 21st, 2023
Comments (9)

Justin Lee
I love the Spanish moss and this is the 'quintessential' Carolina's scene. Beautiful work, Maryanne! L/F

Steve Rich
Your exceptional work deserves to be showcased on the homepage of "Charleston South Carolina" Please consider adding this work to the "Feature History, Charleston South Carolina (Sept-Oct 2023)" active discussion thread. (l/f on 9-10-2023)

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Reflections of Love composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted